Meet Former Costume Intern - Emily Kimball

Meet Emily Kimball

Emily Kimball, a costume shop intern from 2011-12, is currently living and thriving in Mankato, MN.  Her career path has stayed in theatrical costuming after leaving Meadowbrook Theatre. She has been teaching college students since 2012 and earned her MFA in Costume Design from Minnesota State University, Mankato in 2018.

This past school year was certainly challenging. But in spite of the uncertainty of the world of theatre, she was made a full time professor at her alma mater, Bethany Lutheran College (2010) where she had been teaching adjunct for 8 years. There she teaches costume design, construction, makeup design, theatre history and literature, acting, and soon musical theatre and directing. She also has been supervising the costume shop and designing and building costumes for all the college’s productions since returning to Minnesota after her time in Michigan.

When not sewing, teaching, grading papers, or wishing she could live in a BBC historical drama, she spent much of this last year going on adventures with her dog, an Australian Shepherd named Mr. Bingley and cultivating a newfound interest in houseplants. Her collection is quickly growing past 60. She also began a side business selling hand-embroidered designs and digital pet portraits.

She’s looking forward to this fall’s theatre season at Bethany where her third play, an adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen’s The Snow Queen, will have its world premiere in November 2021. It was written with a former student during this past spring. She will be directing and designing costumes!

Emily remembers fondly her time at MBT. She often tells her students of her times wrangling Cratchits, roller skating through the costume room, or a 30 second quick change through a trapdoor from underneath the stage. She’s so pleased to read about MBT’s continuing tradition of providing excellent theatre to their community!